About Us

About Us

A 100% Tasmanian business with 30 plus years’ experience

Flexible Contracting Services were established in 1994 specifically as a vehicle to enable self-employed “contractors” of major corporations to continue working for them, but in an arm’s length relationship as genuine contractors. This was necessary when many major corporations introduced a “no A.C.N, no contract” rule for insurance and liability reasons.

From this very specific purpose FCS has grown and now provides services to a diverse clientele including government agencies/businesses, local councils and private businesses.

Based in Hobart but with contracts across the state, throughout Australia and internationally, what we do is facilitate working relationships and:

  • provide a company structure that protects both employees and organisations
  • ensure employment is compliant with all relevant awards and business practices
  • provide a service that is priced competitively by charging fair overheads

FCS mostly engages with professionals with significant experience and we currently have on our books over 50 employees who are genuine employees and sub-contractors.


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